Óleos essenciais | Essencial oils

Oléo para a Artrite | Sorig Arthritis Oil

Roots Shop 108

Regular price €12,50
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Oléo para a Artrite | Sorig Arthritis Oil
Oléo para a Artrite | Sorig Arthritis Oil
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Oleo para a Artrite Sorig | Sorig Arthritis Oil

É talvez o melhor óleo de massagem para atenuar as dores provocadas pela artrite e melhorar a saúde das articulações.
Aplicar regularmente nas costas, joelhos e outras articulações massajando devidamente.

100% Natural, não testado em animais, produzido pelo Instituto Médico e Astrológico do Dalai Lama

Embalagem de 75ml

Sorig's Arthritis Oil is designed to ease joint pain and improve joint movement. Made from natural herbs according to traditional Tibetan science.

Men-Tsee-Khang is the Tibetan medical insitute of the Dalai Lama. Their products are made from the finest ingredients according to traditional Tibetan herbal formulations under the supervision of highly trained Tibetan pharmacists. Sorig products (translated as "the Tibetan science of healing") are not tested on animals and are made from entirely natural ingredients.

Your purchase of Sorig products helps us support the work of Ment-Tsee-Khang in the preservation of Tibetan medicine.

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#ayurveda #ayurvedica

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