The Stone of Universal Light” High Vibration Crystal Titanium (Flame) Aura is a form of Quartz, which is combined with titanium (the metal of power). Titanium molecules are bound to the quartz by the natural elector-static charge of the crystal. Titanium is one of the strongest and most beautiful of all metals. As you can see the colors of this stone are just beautiful. With most crystals the vibrations do the healing. However, the healing properties are a little different with this crystal. Even though it shares the same properties as the Clear Quartz, it is the colors of this crystal that actually grant it enhanced healing powers. The vibrational energy, along with the color of this crystal has the ability to heal the human energy field. Together they merge with the aura to release any energy blocks and patch up holes in the aura by its color. It enhances ones physical vitality and brings more energy into the auric field. It is stimulating to the auric field and meridians, acting as a prism for soul-level energy, infusing the aura with a rainbow spectrum of light. Titanium (Flame) Aura allows for one to go deep into meditation to receive spiritual attunement. Overall this crystal is one that brings insight, compassion, energy, excitement and joy into life’s experiences. It is capable of carrying higher frequency range, excellent for trance channels, mediums, psychics and maintains grounding while in a higher state of consciousness. CHAKRA(s): All, Especially The Third Eye, Higher Crown, Etheric and Soma Chemical Composition: SiO2 Energy Vibration: 1 & 4 Zodiac: All Planet: Mars Energy: Power Love Spirituality Healing Grounding Protection [PROTECTION:] Protection From Electromagnetic Fields [STIMULATES:] Harmony Chakra Alignment Creativity Art Third-Eye Mysticism Meditation Psychic Abilities Introspection Clairvoyance Joy Insight Channeling Psychic Communication Psychic Visions [METAPHYSICAL PROPERTIES:] Used in meditation to stimulate the movement of the Kundalini Energy to the Crown Chakra Activates and balances the seven major chakras Assist in contacting Ancient Greek civilizations during meditation Removes creative blockages and enhances creative powers Assist with reading people Helps release negative emotional blockage The antidote to sluggishness and fatigue Resonates to the energies of Mars, action and movement Opens psychic channels Promotes Clairvoyance and all forms of “seeing” Allows for communication with higher guides This stone enhances and strengthens the energy of other stones Stimulates visionary experiences and communication across dimensional barriers Activates the Rainbow Body Assists in communicating with ET’s, Light Entities, and Etheric entities Efficient receptor for programming Used to make Light Tools and crystal energy devices Resonates to the mystical energies of the planet Neptune Enhances physical vitality by bringing more energy into the auric field Excellent crystal for use in spiritual initiations and rituals Once programmed it can assist with developing aura, or subtle body, reading abilities Brings insight and healing to dysfunctional relationships Helps to release deep resentments, grief and karmic ties