Postal dos Sete Chakras | Seven Chakra Elements Card

Roots Shop 108

Regular price €3,80
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Postal dos Sete Chakras | Seven Chakra Elements Card
  • Existem muitos vórtices de energia, que chamamos chakras, no corpo humano. A prática de meditação e de ioga foca os sete principais chakras localizados ao longo da coluna. Quando a energia está fluindo abertamente, os chakras giram no sentido horário. 

  • As técnicas de pintura iconográfica do artista Pieter Weltevrede iluminam a localização desses chakras em cartolinas pesadas em tons predominantemente azuis.



  • There are many energy vortexes, called chakras, in the human body. Meditation and yoga practices frequently focus on the seven main body chakras located along the spine. When the energy is flowing openly the chakras spin in a clockwise direction.
  • Artist Pieter Weltevrede’s iconographic painting techniques illuminate the location of these chakras on heavy weight cardstock in predominantly blue tones.



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