Suguilite | Suguilite

Roots Shop 108

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Suguilite | Suguilite
Suguilite | Suguilite
Suguilite | Suguilite

Purifica a Aura e os Chakras

 A Sugilita atrai para a Terra a energia do Raio Violeta de Saint Germain, que aumenta o amor entre as pessoas, purifica a Aura e os Chakras e desperta a percepção espiritual.

Suas energias melhoram os relacionamentos, aliviam as dores emocionais, eliminam os medos e ajudam a nos perdoarmos e sermos mais amorosos conosco.

É excelente para purificar nossa Alma, elevar nossos pensamentos e sentimentos e favorecer todos aqueles que desejam acelerar sua evolução espiritual.

 É uma pedra de transmutação e purificação espiritual intensa, capaz nos trazer luz, melhorar todas as áreas de nossas vidas e acelerar muito nossa evolução.

Ela atrai a mais pura energia do Amor Divino para nossa Aura e nossos Chakras, aumenta nossa sabedoria e desperta a capacidade de canalização espiritual.

Se usada na meditação, a Sugilita nos ajuda a obter as respostas para as questões da vida, como “Por que estou aqui?”, “Quem eu sou?”, “De onde vim?”.

Efeitos Terapêuticos da Pedra Sugilita:

A Sugilita ajuda no tratamento da epilepsia e distúrbios motores, equilibra a energia cerebral e ajuda a purificar o sangue e as linfas.

Por conter manganês, a Sugilita ajuda a curar as dores de cabeça e a diminuir os de desconfortos físicos.

Ela também uma ajuda muito no tratamento dos casos de Câncer, pois alivia as dores, elimina o sentimento de desespero e diminui o tumulto emocional.

Chakras : Todos ! Croa ao Chakra Base


A most beautiful and powerful crystal of the Violet Ray energy, Sugilite is a premier “love stone for this age,” embodying the perfection of Divine love and the manifestation of this energy on the Earth plane. It brings the gifts of wisdom and spiritual devotion, helping one to understand that Truth is the highest form of love, and living in one’s own truth is not only healing but empowering. Working with, wearing or meditating with Sugilite amplifies the ability to channel high frequency Violet energy into every aspect of one’s being in order to walk the Earth in strength and grace. Sugilite reminds the soul of its reasons for incarnating, and enhances one’s understanding of the lessons which have been chosen for this journey on the physical realm


Sugilite is one of the very best crystals for those who are highly sensitive and take on whatever energies are around them. Wear or carry Sugilite to create a warm, protective “shield of Light,” keeping the wearer impervious to negativity and the disharmony of others. In times of discouragement or despair, place Sugilite on the Third Eye to draw in comforting energy and a flow of gentle, loving information from the spiritual world to bring peace and relaxation to the emotional body.

Use Sugilite with strong layers of black manganese to relieve headaches and dispel pain, discomfort of all sorts, and general feelings of disorder. Simply hold the stone and allow the pain and negative energy to be transferred into the manganese and Sugilite. It may also be used for healing environments, and for use in crystal layouts. In order to keep Sugilite at its best, be sure to cleanse after use.

Chakras : All 

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